The Greatest Movie You’ve Never Seen


Japan has released some amazing movies over the years, but this one is the best I’ve seen so far.  Originally titled 告白 (Kokuhaku), this film follows the life of a Japanese school teacher and her revenge against two students that were responsible for the death of her adorable daughter, Manami.


Angry and desperate for attention, the troubled students hatch a plan to put themselves in the spotlight, resulting in the death of the small girl.  The age of the students prevents them from being punished legally for their crimes, but Miss Moriguchi hatches a plan of her own and by god, she gets her revenge.


Your heart aches for her as her story unfolds, and you find yourself cheering her on as she tears their lives apart from the seams with a finesse that should have earned her an award.

Always staying focused on the main plot, the story dives deep into the home lives of all the characters involved and really gives you a sense of where they come from.  As it tells the stories of the students and how they came to make the choices that earned them their teacher’s vengeance, you genuinely begin to understand the reasons behind their decisions, haneous as they may be.


I hesitate to write too much – I don’t want to ruin it for you if you haven’t seen it yet!

Bottom line…  if you have an hour and forty-five minutes to kill, watch this movie.